Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I Hate Brownies

I am STILL trying to turn in my grad school apps. Working frantically this afternoon (well, as frantically as one can claim to be working after a three hour nap), I reached a wall. My neighbor's puppy, Brownies, would not stop whining. Having seen the size of the cage they keep him in, I couldn't really blame him, but nevertheless it was incredibly annoying. The dog clearly wanted food, attention, or more than two inches to move his body parts.
Now, I am very patient with my neighbor's animals. I deal with the parrot who cat calls me and imitates a train whistle and car alarm at two o'clock in the morning, I'm apparently the only person who likes their flea-ridden older dog Stephanie, and I have been coaxed into feeding their birds on numerous occassions. I didn't even make a fuss last time Brownies and I hung out and he peed all over my "Rhode Island: The Best Little State in the USA" t-shirt.
But this high pitched whining was driving me crazy. Finally, I went over with one of the delicious maple syrup cookies my grandparents mailed me (and I very much wanted to eat myself) and fed it to Brownies. He kept crying. I offerred to "play with him" in my house for the rest of the afternoon since the 18 people who live at my neighbor's house were too busy lounging in the road to take care of him. So over he came.
I don't know if they abused him or what, but this puppy WILL NOT shut up. I've given him the Indonesian version of a dog toy--old pieces of newspaper twisted together--and he wasn't amused. I let him sleep in my bed, but then he wet himself (and incidentally my only pair of sheets) after less than five minutes. After I chastised him for his lack of bladder control he started passive aggressively eating my disgusting boat shoes.
My neighbor just called through my window that maybe I should feed him a brownie. That would be valid if I had ever seen a brownie in all of Indonesia, nevermind Malang. Right now he's locked in the back bedroom (which looks like a room in a mental hospital, complete with blueish lighting). He's been quiet for almost 30 seconds, which is long enough that I should probably check to make sure he's not dead from eating an ant trap. Since you get the death penalty for dealing drugs here, I can only imagine what the penalty for murdering isolent puppies is. I miss Patches Kunkel! R.I.P. 1993-2006


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