Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Never Too Late To Give Thanks

I've been noticing that on a lot of my friend's blogs, they had an entry on what they were thankful for in Indonesia. Well, here's me jumping on the bandwagon:

Things I'm Thankful For in Indonesia:

industrial size cans of bug poison
the Internet
books (in English)
school uniforms (even with their air of Communism)
headbands and hair elastics (for keeping my sweaty hair off my neck and face)
boat shoes
my mandi
the ability to pretend not to understand when someone asks you for a favor in Indonesian
Pocari Sweat (Indonesia's answer to Gatorade)
Isotonik (Indonesia's answer to Pocari Sweat)
literally stumbling across an outdated gossip magazine on the floor of the Malang bookstore
bakpia (cakes from Yogyakarta)
getting really good e-mails
getting to sit in the front of the mikrolet by myself instead of in the back with 15 other people
marble floors
that everyone uses text messages instead of talking on the phone (I'm a bad phone talker)
staying in five star hotels courtesy of Uncle Sam

There was lots to be happy about this Thanksgiving!


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