Thursday, November 30, 2006

Yes, I'm Available for Hire

I’ve been trying to complete my grad school applications for a few days now and the final push has been the most difficult. Knowing myself, I read all the magazines in my house and hid my DVDs so I wouldn’t be tempted. I eliminated all food so there would be no “snack breaks.” In theory, I should be forced to complete my essays just from a sheer lack of anything better to do.

Instead of funneling my creativity into my writing sample, I’ve been putting it to the evil use of finding more and more unusual ways to procrastinate. I’ve already knocked down spider webs, experimented with the bug poison and the proximity I can put it to my food before I start to get sick, and created several interesting feng shui arrangements with my few pieces of furniture. This afternoon though, I decided to try something new, namely washing my own clothes in my mandi, a.k.a. a pail of water.

I chose my heinous school uniform for the experience and dug out the bag of powdered detergent someone had given me as a gift when I moved in. I filled the mandi up, dumped in about half the bag, and threw my uniform in, waiting expectantly. I sloshed the bubbles around a little, but I wasn’t really sure of proper handwashing techniques. I think I probably should have used one of those laundry boards people cleaned with back in the old days.

Very quickly, I realized I’d used too much soap. The bubbles climbed three feet in a matter of seconds to start pouring over the edge of the mandi. I shut off the water, but they somehow kept getting bigger. I used my little mandi pail to dump the bubbles over the side, trying to convince them to go down the drain. All they did was convince the worms in the drains to pop their heads out into the bathroom and start climbing up my door. I turned the water back on to dilute the bubbles, but they were in control and they knew it. The barrage of bubbles flowed over the ledge of the bathroom and started going into my bedroom and living room floors. I was briefly upset, but then went and borrowed my neighbor’s mop and mopped the floors instead.

There’s only one problem—the bubbles still won’t go down the drain. Now I have a collection of dark brown, ashy bubbles in my bedroom, clouds of white bubbles chest high in my bathroom, and a school uniform that, sadly, doesn’t look any cleaner at all. I guess I’ll just host a foam party tonight and we can have a rager at Mayjen Wiyono. I’ll provide the Bintangs!


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