Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Indonesia: +200

I was running late for a meeting today and I was starving, so I ducked into an Indonesian Wendy's to grab lunch. Having already had my heart broken at Indonesian KFC and McDonald's when they didn't have biscuits or sweet n'sour sauce, respectively, I wasn't expecting much. Indonesian Wendy's probably didn't even have Biggie Sizes.
Well I am eating a big slice of humble pie right now. Not only did Indonesian Wendy's have Biggie Sizes (which I pretended to deliberate, then obviously biggied my meal) but they have SPICY CHICKEN SANDWICHES.
Let me back up. Earlier this summer my world was shattered when Wendy's in America took the Spicy Chicken Sandwich off their menu. It was by far the most delicious thing they offered outside of the 99 cent menu, and I boycotted them to show my anguish.
Fortunately, Indonesian Wendy's didn't get the memo about No More Spicy Deliciousness. I sat in the giant, empty, glass walled Wendy's in Plaza Dieng and ate not one, but TWO spicy chicken sandwiches while a crowd of Indonesian men sat on the other side of the wall and stared at me. Let them stare. Indonesian Wendy's, I salute you.


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