Thursday, February 01, 2007

A "Rizky" Situation

So my contact at SMA 3, Suharyadi, just had a baby boy. That in and of itself would be good news, right? Except he never told me his wife was pregnant. In fact, he's never mentioned his wife. Actually, the more I think about it, the more I distinctly remember him telling me when I first arrived in Malang that he wasn't married yet. Turns out he's been married for over a year and his wife was three months pregnant at the time he denied her existence.

I wouldn't find this as strange in the US, but the people I work with want to know everything about my views on family and marriage. They know my views on religion in marriage, what kind of children I'd like to have, whether I think boys might be better than girls (Pak Teddy initiated this discussion, of course), things I hadn't even thought about until they pressed me on them.

So while I'm thinking everyone is just very open and curious, he's lying about the fact that he's married? And when I asked him about the child, he seemed embarassed I'd found out. In December he covered the fact that his wife was giving birth by telling me he was visiting his brother in Probolinggo and that's why he missed class. Pak Teddy let it slip that he was at the hospital with his wife.

PLUS he named the kid Alpha Rizky. Maybe he's raising him to be a spy and wanted him to have a covert birth as well?



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